Know How Yoga Is Beneficial For Us

Yoga, poses, benefits

Yoga is a part of Ayurveda which originated in Ancient India. The word "yoga" is derived from sanskrit which means "to unite" mind and the body. Today more than 250 million people across the world practices yoga. 

Yoga is such that everyone can practice.  Yoga brings peace to our mind, yoga is about creating physical and mental balance. There are different postures (asanas) of yoga, every posture has different benefits. 

Yoga increases the energy and immunity of our body. Yoga improves our digestive system, nervous system, respiratory system, circulatory system and muscular system. Practising yoga everyday reduces the level of cortisol which is a stress hormone.


 Benefits of Yoga

  • Relieves Stress
  • Improve Posture 
  • Increase Energy
  • Relaxed Mood
  • Healthy Weight
  • Strengthen Immune System
  • Improved Sleep
  • Better Digestion
  • Prevent Joints Problems
  • Increase Blood Flow
  • Increase Flexibility

Relieves Stress

Practising yoga everyday reduces stress, yoga provide peace to the mind. There are many such asanas in yoga, which reduce stress. The various poses for reducing stress are cat pose, cow pose, Head to knee bend, corpse pose and puppy pose.

Improve Posture

Yoga improves our sitting, walking and standing posture. The various asanas to improve posture are tree pose, bow pose, mountain pose, fish pose, camel pose and bridge pose.

Increase Energy

Yoga has many asanas which increase our energy level. The asanas are sun salutation, chair pose, tree pose, wheel pose, plank pose and warrior pose. 

Relaxed Mood

It is believed that practising yoga decreases depression and stress. Yoga is also helpful in chronic or long term pain. Here are some postures that work well in keeping the mood good. Fish pose, tree pose, boat pose and camel pose.

Healthy Weight 

The asanas which helps to get proper healhty weight are cobra pose(bhujangasana), supported shoulder stand(sarvangasana), wind-relieving pose(pavanmukhtasana), bridge pose(setuasana) and bow pose(dhanurasana).

Strengthen Immune System

The Yoga poses that helps to improve immune system are chair pose(utaktasana), fish pose(matsyasana), tree pose(vrikshasana), mountain pose(parvatasana), cobra pose(sarpasana) and bridge pose(setuasana).

Improves Sleep

Corpse pose, supine spinal twist, cat pose(marjariasana), cow pose, child pose, standing forward bend and head-to-knee pose are the poses to improve sleep.

Better Digestion

For better digestion one should practise some asanas like wind relieving pose(pawanmuktasana), seated forward fold, upward dog pose and bow pose(dhanurasana).

Prevent Joints Problems

Extended triangle pose(trikonashana), locust pose(salabhasana), downward-facing dog pose(adho mukha svanasana), straight legged twist and reclining Hand-to-big toe pose(supta padangustasana) are postures to prevent joints problem.

Increase Blood Flow

Warrior II, legs up the wall, yoga lunge, shoulder stand, camel pose, deep breathing, corpse pose(shavasana) and  full wheel pose(chakrasana) are the postures to improve blood circulation.

Increase Flexibility

Warrior I(virbhadrasana), upward dog facing(urdhva mukha asana), downward dog facing, sun salutation(suryanamaskar), pyramid pose and easy pose(sukhasana) are postures to increase body flexibility.


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