Opposite Food Combination According To Ayurveda

Opposite Food Combinations According To Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda there are some opposite food combinations which can cause many problems by eating together.
Food is very essential part of our life that is why it is important to have food in proper combination.

According to Ayurveda every food has different time of digestion. We should keep in mind that whatever fruit or vegetable we eat is at right time or not. Incorrect food combination can make the digestive system sick.

Eating wrong combination of food leads many problems like Stomach pain, Heartburn, Bloating, Gas, Skin rashes, Belching, Ulcers and most commonly Indigestion. Ayurveda has already explained about some food combination that can harm our health.

Here are some food combination that are harmful for our health:-

  • Banana and Milk
  • Tomatoes and Cucumbers
  • Milk and Salty Foods
  • Ghee(clarified butter) and Honey
  • Green Tea or Black Tea with Milk
  • Coffee and Sandwiches

Banana and Milk

According to Ayurveda, the time of digestion of both banana and milk is different. Eating banana is always appropriate in the day and milk always at night.
People often consider banana with milk as a good protein shake but it is not right because both are themselves a complete food and eating them together slows our digestion.

Tomatoes and Cucumbers

People often like to eat Cucumbers and Tomatoes in salad with food, but according to Ayurveda it is difficult to digest this combination and this combination may disturb the bio-mechanical pathways of our body this leads to swelling and calcination. These products have different digestion time which leads to indigestion and bloating if we eat them together.

Milk and Salty Foods

People often like to eat salty snacks with milk tea but in Ayurveda it is believed that salted food should never be eaten with milk as milk contains natural sugar known as lactose.

Ghee and Honey

Ghee(clarified butter) and honey are bad combination according to Ayurveda as ghee is cooling and honey is heating.
Honey is complex polysaccaride which required special enzymes to break it down to simple sugars while ghee is a complex chain of fatty acid which required lip enzymes. When these enzymes come in contact with each other in our Gastrointestinal tract then it leads to indigestion.

Green Tea or Black Tea with Milk

Black tea and green tea has Antioxidants properties but adding milk in it all its advantages are eliminated. Black tea contains flavonoids, known as catechins, they are highly beneficial for cardiovascular health whereas milk contain protein known as caseins. When we add milk to black tea then, it reduces the amount of catechins and this combination reduces the beneficial effects of tea.

Coffee and Sandwiches

Some people fall in habit of eating sandwiches with coffee, but they do not know that the products made from milk are incompatible with salty snacks. When we eat this combination the simple carbohydrates present in bread prevent calcium from being digestion. 


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