
Showing posts from April, 2019

Know How Yoga Is Beneficial For Us

Yoga is a part of Ayurveda which originated in Ancient India. The word "yoga" is derived from sanskrit which means "to unite" mind and the body. Today more than 250 million people across the world practices yoga.  Yoga is such that everyone can practice.  Yoga brings peace to our mind, yoga is about creating physical and mental balance. There are different postures (asanas) of yoga, every posture has different benefits.  Yoga increases the energy and immunity of our body. Yoga improves our digestive system, nervous system, respiratory system, circulatory system and muscular system. Practising yoga everyday reduces the level of cortisol which is a stress hormone .  Benefits of Yoga Relieves Stress Improve Posture  Increase Energy Relaxed Mood Healthy Weight Strengthen Immune System Improved Sleep Better Digestion Prevent Joints Problems Increase Blood Flow Increase Flexibility Relieves Stress Practising yoga everyday re...

Did You Know Surprising Benefits Of Turmeric?

Turmeric What is turmeric ?   Turmeric is derived from turmeric plant. It is mainly used in Indian and other eastern countries food. It is one of the main spice in India. Turmeric is yellow in colour. It is use to add flavor and colour in curry. It is natural antiseptic. Turmeric is very useful in jaundice, diarrhoea, arthritis, joint pain, ulcers, lever problems, gas, loss of appetite. Turmeric is also used in skin related problems, most commonly turmeric is use to cure cold, fever, headache, Turmeric is also used in swelling, drinking turmeric powder with lukewarm water daily empty stomach can cure gas and acidity.  Turmeric can cure sore throat. It is beneficial for skin, teeth and hairs. Turmeric contains chemical called curcumin which is used to colour foods. Turmeric has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Turmeric heals wounds, turmeric strengthen arteries and reduces bad cholesterol. Turmeric Nutrition One tab...

Did You Know Shocking Benefits Of Dark Chocolate?

Chocolate Did you know that chocolate is very good for you? Chocolate has various benefits. The main ingredient of chocolate is cocoa. However, the chocolate available in market has least amount of cocoa in them and they are only coloured like chocolate. The chocolate which we get in market are full chemicals like emulsifiers, stabilisers, artificial flavor, hydrogenated vegetables fats etc. These chocolates are very harmful for us. Apart from these chocolate always prefer those chocolate whose main ingredient is cocoa. So here are diverse benefits of dark chocolate. Benefits of Dark Chocolate 1. Improves Your Mood Dark chocolate produces endorphins, it is group of hormones secreted in the brain. These group of hormones can boost your mood. 2. Lowers Your Blood Pressure The health benefits of dark chocolate may include lowering blood pressure. Studies shown that consuming a small amount of dark chocolate everyday can reduce blood pressure. 3. Redu...

How To Get Rid Of Acidity

As we all know and doctor also says that increased acid is dangerous. When the acid in our stomach is increased then it causes many problem for us. There are many problem caused by increased acid :- Acidity Problems Ulcers in stomach and mouth Gas  Bloating Sore throat  Burping Heartburn Uneasiness Indigestion Constipation Pain in chest  Taking acidity medicine for long period of time will also increase your other health risk. Here are some foods and fruits which may help you in acidity problems. 1. Fennel Seeds Fennel seeds are used to enhance the process of digestion. Usually fennel seeds are eaten just after a meal so that it helps in digestion. Thus fennel seeds are very effective in acidity. 2. Vegetables Green Vegetables play a vital role in acidity. Vegetables like cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, reddish, leafy greens, avocados and kale can be consume. 3. Ginger Ginger is rich in antioxidants. Ginge...

Benefits Of Lemon Tea

Some Amazing Benefits Of Lemon Tea  If you drink Lemon Tea regularly then you are doing a great job. Lemon tea is known for cleansing your body it is also energises you. Here are more benefits of Lemon tea. Lemon Tea In Brief: It is a tasty combination of Black tea and Lemon Juice, you can drink it either hot or cold. It is easy to prepare this is one of the major advantage. You can even make lemon tea more tasty by adding rock salt, cumin seeds powder and Honey or Jaggery Powder instead of sugar. Adding lemon juice make colour more pleasant and also enhance its taste, For perfect taste right amount of lemon juice should be added. Top Benefits of lemon tea The combination of lemon juice and honey is the healthy alternative to coffee and soft drinks. Here are some amazing benefits. 1. Improves Digestion: Lemon tea promotes healthy digestion because it remove all toxins from your body . Lemon contain citric acid which assists digestion. 2. Good For Skin...