Did You Know Surprising Benefits Of Turmeric?


What is turmeric ? 

Turmeric is derived from turmeric plant. It is mainly used in Indian and other eastern countries food. It is one of the main spice in India. Turmeric is yellow in colour. It is use to add flavor and colour in curry. It is natural antiseptic.

Turmeric is very useful in jaundice, diarrhoea, arthritis, joint pain, ulcers, lever problems, gas, loss of appetite.

Turmeric is also used in skin related problems, most commonly turmeric is use to cure cold, fever, headache, Turmeric is also used in swelling, drinking turmeric powder with lukewarm water daily empty stomach can cure gas and acidity. 

Turmeric can cure sore throat. It is beneficial for skin, teeth and hairs.
Turmeric contains chemical called curcumin which is used to colour foods.
Turmeric has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Turmeric heals wounds, turmeric strengthen arteries and reduces bad cholesterol.

Turmeric Nutrition

One tablespoon of turmeric contains:-

  •  24 calories
  •  0.91g protein
  •  4.4g carbohydrates
  •  0.31g fat
  •  1.4g fiber
  •  0.3g sugar
  •  1.7mg vitamin C
  •  2.8mg iron
  •  13mg magnesium
  •  170mg potassium
  •  0.1mg vitamin B6
  •  0.5mg manganese

Turmeric surprising benefits 

Whiten Teeth

Turmeric is very useful for whitening of teeth. Turmeric is natural treatment for gums and tooth. It is consider as superspice. 


Turmeric has antiseptic properties. Turmeric speeds up wounds healing. It naturally purify blood, reduce gas and bloating. Cure acne and pimples. Turmeric can be used as an effective disinfectant. It helps in detoxifying the body.

Promote Hair growth

Turmeric encourages hair growth. It promotes new hair follicles to grow. Applying turmeric paste once in a week may help in dry and itchy scalp. 

Turmeric For Healthy Skin

As we know that turmeric has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which assists healthier skin. Turmeric helps keep our skin healthy in several ways. Daily use of turmeric prevent acne and makes skin glowing. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties relief in burning. 

Heal Wounds

Turmeric is found to be the best natural medicine to heal wounds. Turmeric root powder contains 3-6% curcumin. Turmeric relieves inflammation to help with pain. It will eliminate bacteria that are present on the skin when you have a injury and stops bacteria from entering the body.

Stronger Immune System

Turmeric naturally improves our immune system, turmeric contains lipopolysaccharide it is substance present in it which helps to make immune system stronger. 

Support Joints and Bones Health

Turmeric protect bone cells. The chemical present in turmeric also protect tissue. Sometimes turmeric is also use in the treatment of  bone fracture. 

Improves Digestion

Turmeric encourages healthy digestion by promoting the production of bile. Consuming turmeric powder daily empty stomach improves digestion and also prevents formation of intestinal gas and bloating.


Turmeric contains chemical known as curcumin which is powerful antioxidant. Turmeric slows the ageing process and enhance immune system. Antioxidants are very useful for body as they defend body from free radicals.

Reduce allergies

Curcumin is a chemical found in turmeric it helps in minimizing allergies such as runny nose, sneezing, itching and headache.
The chemical present in turmeric helps in reducing various allergies which are caused by viral infection. The chemical curcumin present in turmeric also helps in depression.


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